Christian Counseling in Westminster, MD
If Christian counseling is important to you, or if faith has a role in your life, I believe that it is important to incorporate this into our counseling sessions and for you to work with someone who is able to understand, respect, and value your faith perspective.
I have spent the last 21 years working for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship as a campus minister. I am also a pastor’s kid and a missionary kid. I grew up in the church and have held many different roles in various churches.
Through these experiences, I’ve met and worked with countless people to talk about issues of faith and life. Through the years, I have come to strongly believe in a spiritual principle which states that when the old comes into contact with the new, that there will be destruction.
“No one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”
~Mark 2:22
I believe that this teaching by Jesus brilliantly describes the human condition. Though we no longer carry wine around in wineskins, those who heard this teaching would have understood that putting new wine into old wineskins was just something that you did not do. New wine expands as it ferments and if it is put into an old wineskin that has already been stretched to its capacity, the wineskin would explode, and cause destruction.
I believe many of the issues that we face in life are because the old (thought patterns, ideas about who we are, what we think about ourselves, how we interpreted experiences) hold some form of power over us or are interacting with something new. Looking for the old beliefs (narratives) that have been internalized is an important part of the work we would do.
Pain and suffering have the potential for us to not only learn more about ourselves, but to teach us new things about God, what He is like and for us to be able to experience Him in new ways. Is it possible that God could be at work in your circumstances, leading you to counseling because He has something new to teach or show you? I’d be honored to walk alongside you and help play a role in this.
Christian Counseling in Westminster, MD